Machine Learning Laboratory Research Symposium
The Machine Learning Laboratory Research Symposium will showcase the latest cutting-edge work from our students and faculty. We'll have an exclusive session for MLL industry sponsors that will feature poster presentations, in-depth discussions, and networking.
The Machine Learning Laboratory Research Symposium will showcase the latest cutting-edge work from our students and faculty. We'll have an exclusive session for MLL industry sponsors that will feature poster presentations, in-depth discussions, and networking.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 10:00am - 4:00pm CDT
Gates Dell Complex and Peter O’Donnell Building | UT Austin Main Campus
Open Session: 10:00am–12:15pm
Sponsors, Faculty & Students Only: 12:00–4:00pm
Welcome and Opening Remarks | Adam Klivans
Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
MLL Research Updates | Alex Dimakis
Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
Easy to Use and Cost-Efficient Inference Serving | Neeraja Yadwadker
Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
Addressing Knowledge-Rich NLP Tasks in the Real World | Eunsol Choi
Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
Engineering Proteins with Structure-Based Deep Learning | Daniel Diaz
Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
Lunch & Virtual Talk by Rick Chang, Research Scientist at Apple (closed session) Generative AI for Data Efficient Machine Learning
GDC 6.302
Open Research Discussion | Adam Klivans (closed session)
GDC 6.302
Student Poster Session
TACC Visualization Lab, POB 2.404a
30 Minute Break Before the MLL Public Lecture at 4pm
4:00pm–5:00pm Public Lecture
AI Safety | Scott Aaronson
Amir & Zaib Husain Auditorium, GDC 2.216
Reception to follow