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Deep Proteins
Using AI to Engineer
Advanced Biologics

Accelerating Biotechnology Using Machine Learning

We focus on developing AI frameworks that enable rapid protein discovery and engineering. We are an interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, biologists, and chemists who create advanced machine learning models trained on specially curated protein datasets. We build on recent developments in both NLP and computer vision to create protein-specific AI techniques. Our resulting evolution-inspired models accurately predict both the function of complex protein structures and the effect of point mutations without the need for time consuming and expensive wet-lab experiments. Applications include rapid prototyping of new vaccines, therapeutics, and enzymes for use in both medical and biomanufacturing domains.


Adam Klivans: Professor in Computer Science, Director of IFML
Danny Diaz: PhD in Chemistry, Research Scientist at IFML
Qiang Liu: Professor in Computer Science
Atlas Wang: Professor in ECE
Chengyue Gong: PhD in Computer Science, researcher at IFML
Jeffrey Ouyang-Zhang: PhD Student in Computer Science, UT Austin
Giannis Daras: PhD Student in Electrical Engineering, UT Austin
Tyler Dangerfield: PhD in Biochemistry, CNS researcher
David Yang: BS in Biology, Researcher at IFML

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